Participant rules
Kamermuziek Concours Jong Gelre 2024
1 a. The following may participate in the Performance Day: any duo, trio or other ensemble, the size does not matter, but always without a conductor, where in the case of a duo there may not be a soloist and an accompanist. And for the avoidance of doubt, the soloist is excluded.
1 b. Each ensemble can be formed by musicians (participants), both those who might consider going to a conservatoire, or are already studying at a conservatoire, or know they will never go to a conservatoire, but can play very beautifully on their instrument.
1 c. The age of each participant shall not exceed 19 years on the date of the Performance Day.
– If at least one musician (participant) of an ensemble is older than the indicated age, the average of the ages of the players of that ensemble will be taken: that average may not exceed 19.9.
2. Each participant must prove at the start of the preliminary round by means of a (copy) proof of identity (with deletion of BSN number) that he/she has the correct age at the time of participation. If a participant cannot show proof of identity, the participant and the ensemble to which the participant belongs will be excluded from participation.
3. Upon registration, the ensemble chooses in which way it wants to participate. There are 3 categories:
– category 1 : play and receive no feedback from musicians from the professional chamber music world and also no participation in the competition;
– category 2: play and receive feedback from professional chamber musicians, but not participate in the competition;
– category 3: play and receive feedback from the jury and take part in the competition.
4 a. When applying, each ensemble submits a video showing all or part of the repertoire to be played by the ensemble. The selection committee will select 6 ensembles from all applications on the basis of the videos. These 6 ensembles will play to an audience on the Performance Day on Saturday 14 September 2024 in the Auditorium of Akoesticum in Ede.
4 b. A performance may last a maximum of 15 minutes. Shorter is allowed, longer is not.
5 a. Registration starts on 1 February 2024 and closes on 1 July 2024. An entry is only complete on submission of:
(i) a fully completed registration form;
(ii) a video (e.g. a YouTube link or via WeTransfer) on which all or part of the repertoire to be played can be seen and heard;
(iii) the payment of the registration fee.
5 b. The video may be sent after registration, but no later than 1 July 2024.
6. Participating ensembles are intended to play classical music. An ensemble may decide which piece(s) it is (are). If in doubt as to whether the chosen repertoire is classical or not, please contact the organisation at Please note: any changes to the programme after registration are only possible in consultation with the organisation.
7. The entry fee is €35 for a duo; €45 for a trio; €55 for a quartet; €65 for a quintet to any larger ensemble. The registration fee will not be refunded, even if the ensemble cancels the performance or the Performance Day cannot take place for other reasons.
8. No later than 1 August 2024, an ensemble – which has met all registration requirements – will be informed whether the ensemble has been admitted to the Performance day. No later than 1 September 2024, the ensemble will receive the programme of the competition stating when the ensemble will perform. This schedule can no longer be changed.
9. The selection committee will make the selection on the basis of the submitted videos. The Performance Day will take place on Saturday, 14 September 2024 in the Auditorium of Akoesticum in Ede.
10. Category 2 and 3 participants will receive feedback from musicians from the professional chamber music world after their performance. Only the musicians of the ensembles concerned and possibly a board member will be present at this feedback.
11. A maximum of one grand piano will be present during the Performance Day. The ensemble will bring along all other necessary instruments.
12. If an ensemble has music in its repertoire for which the copyright has not yet expired, playing copies is punishable by law if the original, printed music cannot be shown. For participants in category 3 (competition) it is not necessary to send in or hand over sheet music of the works to be played to the jury.
13. Upon registration, the participants of the ensemble grant the Stichting Kamermuziek Concours Gelre permission to use their (personal) data for the organisation of competitions, the recruitment and participation of audiences, and permission for the use of visual and audio material in marketing communications of the Kamermuziek Concours Gelre. A participant may object to use in marketing communications when registering.
14. Deviations from the regulations are only possible after written permission from the organisation.
15. Ensembles registered for category 3 and thus taking part in the competition may win the Jong Gelre Prize and/or an Audience prize. These may consist of a concert to be given or a master class. If a master class is involved, it must have taken place by 31 December 2025 at the latest. Exceeding this date is only possible after consultation with the board of the Stichting Kamermuziek Concours Gelre. In order to achieve the smoothest possible procedure, 1 November 2025 will be a calibration date.
16. To prepare for participation in the Performance Day Jong Gelre 2024, an ensemble may request the help of the KCJG Academy. For procedure and conditions, please see the separate document KCJG Academy.