KCJG is now Jong Gelre and launhces the Performance Day Jong Gelre
Kamermuziek Concours Jong Gelre is now called Jong Gelre and launches the Performance Day Jong Gelre!
Performance Day Jong Gelre is for every young musician from 12 to 19 years old, both for those who are already studying at a conservatory or are perhaps considering doing so, or who know they will never do so, but who can make very beautiful music.
They present themselves as a duo, trio or any other ensemble of any size, but always without a conductor. To be clear, the soloist is excluded. The repertoire is classical music, from ancient to contemporary.
Choose what you want: playing alone in front of an audience, quite exciting. Or play for an audience and receive feedback from well-known musicians. Or play as a participant in the competition and win prizes, master classes from great musicians.